Monday, July 20, 2020

Lessons from Gita that might Change your Perspective

Picture showing a Happy Face among many Sad Faces

The Bhagavad Gita, or simply Gita, is a part of the great epic ‘Mahabharata’.

The epic gives an articulate description of a war between cousin clans: Kurus and Pandavas. Gita is a discourse given by Lord Krishna to Arjuna, right before the war is about to unfold. Right before the ‘Dharma Yudha’, Arjuna asks his charioteer, Krishna, to take him to the centre of the battleground in the space between the two armies. There, in no man’s land, the enormity of the unfolding tragedy dawns upon him: on either side are family and friends: Elders, teachers, uncles, nephews, sons-in-law, fathers-in-law. Before him are those he should be protecting, and those who should be protecting him. Instead, they are planning to kill him, and he them. Why? For a piece of land! How can that be right, or good? He analyses what impact would it have on civilization? Amidst all the chaos, Krishna advices Arjuna to follow his ‘Kshatriya Dharma’ and fight for his and his brothers’ rights. The Krishna-Arjuna conversation covers broad range of topics touching upon ethical dilemmas and philosophical issues that go far beyond the war Arjuna faces.

The Gita contains more than 700 verses, spread over 18 books. However, here, I’ll be sharing 3 lessons, which according to me can change the way you perceive things.



This, I believe, is one of the most important teachings of the Gita.

We only have the right to perform our duties and actions. However, by no means, are we entitled to the fruits of our actions.

This is something we’re taught right from the childhood “Karm Karo, Fal ki Chinta mat Karo” (i.e. focus on hardwork rather than focussing on the result).

There are certain things which are in our control i.e. OUR ACTIONS and there are things which are NOT in our control i.e. THE RESULT.

Just because you gave your best doesn’t necessarily mean you’re entitled to get the best results. Do not choose your action because of the reactions. Focus on the sure (ACTIONS) and not on the unsure (RESULTS), because if things go south, pain is unavoidable. 

Give everything you have, to everything you do, and let the almighty take care of the results.


Rivers flow in to the ocean all the time, however, the ocean remains stable and undisturbed by this continuous flow of water.

Just like the water of rivers, multiple thoughts will come into your mind. Some of them will be good, some not so good. But you’ll only attain peace when you remain stable, just like the ocean.

Reject the thoughts that distract you from your goal. Discard the temptations and the desires that stop you from reaching your ultimate goal.



Gita mentions everything in this world is temporary. The only thing that is permanent is CHANGE.

Just like summer and winter seasons, pain and pleasure are both impermanent. They keep COMING and GOING.

Tough times will come and go away. So just HANG IN THERE. Learn to tolerate, without being affected by them. THE SUN WILL SHINE AGAIN!



The views expressed above are personal and belong to the author.

This post has been written by Mriganshu.

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